Policy Reports
Using American Community Survey Data to Expand Access to the School Meals Programs, joint with other members of the panel. A. Schirm and N. Kirkendall, eds. Washington DC: The National Academies Press, 2012.
Developing and Evaluating Methods for Using American Community Survey Data to Support the School Meals Programs: Interim Report, joint with other members of the panel. A Schirm and N. Kirkendall, eds. Washington DC: The National Academies Press, 2010.
Health Insurance, Health Care Use, and Health Status in Los Angeles County, joint with Weiyi Shi. San Francisco: Public Policy Institute of California, December 2006.
Birth Rates and the Vietnam Draft, joint with Lucie Schmidt. AER Papers and Proceedings 102(3), May 2012, pp. 566-569.
Utilization of Infertility Treatments: The Effects of Insurance Mandates, joint with Lucie Schmidt. Demography 49(1), 2012, oo. 124-149.
Smoking Restrictions in Bars and Bartender Smoking in the US, 1992-2007, joint with Christopher Carpenter and Madeline Zavodny. Tobacco Control 20(3), May 2011, pp. 196-200.
An Economic View of Food Deserts in the United States, joint with Steven Haider. Policy Retrospectives, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 30(1), Winter 2011, pp. 153-176.
The State of the Social Safety Net in the Post-Welfare Reform Era, joint with Hilary Hoynes. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2 , Fall 2010, pp. 71-127.
Effects of Venue-Specific State Clean Indoor Air Laws on Smoking-Related Outcomes, joint with Christopher Carpenter and Madeline Zavodny. Health Economics 19(2), December 2010, pp 1425-1440.
The Effect of Medicaid Eligibility Expansions on Fertility, joint with Madeline Zavodny. Social Science and Medicine 71(5), September 2010m oo, 918-924.
The Link between Couples' Pregnancy Intentions and Behavior: Does It Matter Who Is Asked?, joint with Maureen Waller. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 40(4), December 2008, pp. 194-201.
Distributional Impacts of the Self-Sufficiency Project, joint with Jonah Gelbach and Hilary Hoynes. Journal of Public Economics 92(3-4), April 2008, pp. 748-765.
Welfare Reform and Indirect Impacts on Health," joint with Hilary Hoynes. In Making Americans Healthier: Social and Economic Policy as Health Policy, R. Schoeni, J. House, G. Kaplan, and H. Pollack, eds.
New York: Russell Sage, 2008, pp. 231{280.
What Mean Impacts Miss: Distributional Effects of Welfare Reform Experiments," joint with Jonah Gelbach and Hilary Hoynes. American Economic Review 96(4), September 2006, pp. 988{1012.
Health Disparities and Infertility: Impacts of State-Level Insurance Mandates," joint with Lucie Schmidt. Fertility and Sterility 85(4), April 2006, pp. 858{65.
Welfare Reform and Children's Living Arrangements," joint with Jonah Gelbach and Hilary Hoynes. Journal of Human Resources 41(1), Winter 2006, pp. 1{27.
The Changing Association between Prenatal Participation in WIC and Birth Outcomes
in New York City: What Does It Mean?" joint with Janet Currie. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 24(4), Fall
2005, pp. 687{690.
Are WIC Non-Recipients at Less Nutritional Risk than Recipients? An Application of
the Food Security Measure," joint with Craig Gundersen and Grace Marquis. Review of Agricultural Economics (Papers and
Proceedings Issue) 27(3), September 2005, pp. 433{438.
Welfare Reform and Health," joint with Jonah Gelbach and Hilary Hoynes. Journal of Human Resources 40(2), Spring 2005, pp. 309{334.
Testing Agency Theory with Entrepreneur Effort and Wealth,” joint withTobias Moskowitz and Annette Vissing-Jorgensen. Journal of Finance 60(2), April 2005, pp. 539–576. Distinguished Paper Prize 2005 Brattle Award for the Best Corporate Finance Paper in the Journal of Finance.
Does WIC Work? The Effects of WIC on Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes,” joint with Janet Currie.
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 24(1), Winter 2005, pp. 73–91. Prize for Best Economics
Paper in the Field of Food Safety and Nutrition in 2005, Food Safety and Nu- trition
Section of
the American Association of Agricultural Economics.
Child Maltreatment, Abortion Availability, and Economic Conditions,” joint with Madeline Zavodny.
Review of Economics of the Household 2(2), June 2004, pp. 119–141.
The Impact of Welfare Reform on Marriage and Divorce,” joint with Jonah Gelbach, Hilary Hoynes, and Madeline Zavodny. Demography 41(2), May 2004, pp. 213–236.
WIC Eligibility and Participation,” joint with Janet Currie and John Karl Scholz. Journal of Human Resources 38(S), Summer 2003, pp. 1139–1179.
Some Evidence on Race, Welfare Reform, and Household Income,” joint with Jonah Gelbach and Hilary
Hoynes. AER Papers and Proceedings 93(2), May 2003, pp. 293–298.
Child Abuse and Abortion Availability,” joint with Madeline Zavodny. AER Papers and Proceedings 92(2), May 2002, pp. 363–367.
Did Abortion Legalization Reduce the Number of Unwanted Children? Evidence from Adoptions,” joint
with Madeline Zavodny. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 34(1), January/February 2002,
pp. 25–33.
The Effects of Abortion Restrictions on the Timing of Abortions,” joint with Madeline Zavodny. Journal of Health Economics 20(6), November 2001, pp. 1011–1032.
Financial Services Used by Small Businesses: Evidence from the 1998 Survey of Small
Business Finances,” joint with Alicia Robb and John Wolken. Federal Reserve Bulletin 87(4), April 2001, pp. 183–205.
Health Insurance Mandates, Mammography, and Breast Cancer Diagnoses, joint with Christopher Carpenter. October 2012.
Effects of State Cervical Cancer Insurance Mandates on Pap Test Rates, joint with Christopher Carpenter. July 2012, under review.
Medicaid, joint with Madeline Zavodny, 2012.
Immigrants, Welfare Reform, and the U.S. Safety Net, joint with Hilary Hoynes. NBER Working paper 17667. December 2011.
Marriage Markets and Family Formation: The Role of the Vietnam Draft, joint with Lucie Schmidt. October 2011.
Economics of Nutrition, joint with Parke Wilde. September 2011. Entry for Encylopedia of Health Economics, editor-in-chief Anthony J. Culyer.
Teacher Effects on Achievement and Anthropometrics: A Cautionary Tale, joint with Thurston Domina and Emily Penner. June 2011.
Can Variation in Subgroups' Average Treatment Effects Explain Treatment Effect Heterogeneity? Evidence from a Social Experiment, joint with Jonah Gelbach and Hilary Hoynes. May 2010, revising for resubmission.
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