David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor and Center for Economics & Public Policy director, is quoted in the Wall Street Journal and Yahoo! Finance February 12, 2013
An op-ed by David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor and Center for Economics & Public Policy director, is featured in the San Diego Union-Tribune February 8, 2013
Frank Bean, sociology Chancellor's Professor and Center for Research on Immigration, Population and Public Policy director, is featured in the Orange County Register February 1, 2013
Research by David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor and Jennifer Muz, economics graduate student, is featured in the Sacramento Bee January 31, 2013
Frank Bean, sociology Chancellor's Professor and Center for Research on Immigration, Population and Public Policy director, is quoted in the Orange County Register January 29, 2013
Frank Bean, sociology Chancellor's Professor and Center for Research on Immigration, Population and Public Policy director, is quoted in The Boston Globe January 29, 2013
A report by David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor and Center for Economics & Public Policy director, and Jennifer Muz, economics graduate student, is featured in the San Francisco Business Times January 25, 2013
Research by David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor and Center for Economics & Public Policy director, and J.M. Ian Salas, economics graduate student, is featured in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette January 19, 2013
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