David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor, is quoted in the Carolina Journal Online Dec. 10, 2014
Research by Marianne Bitler, economics professor, is featured by PBS Newshour Dec. 10, 2014
David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor, is featured by The World Bank Dec. 1, 2014
Research by David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor, is featured in The Daily Beast, Nov. 23, 2014
Research by Patrick Button, economics graduate student, is featured on CNN Money Nov. 14, 2014
Research by Patrick Button, economics graduate student, is featured by USA Today Nov. 14, 2014
Research by David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor, is featured in the Reno Gazette-Journal Nov. 11, 2014
Research by David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor, is featured in the National Catholic Register Nov. 10, 2014
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